Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I finally have a boy in my life.  A boy who I really really like, maybe even love.  I haven't said that "L" word for a very long time, so trust me.  This is a big fricking deal in my world.

It's the same boy from this post, and things have been great since he got home from Afghanistan. 

Here is the pickle.  He snores.  Very loudly.  All.night.long. 

I not embarrassed to admit I haven't had a dude in my bed for quite some time.  I love my "single" life.  I can go to bed when I want, I have the bed to myself, I can read or sleep in the middle if I want!  This momma loves to sleep.     

I used to say I could not - would not ever date a snorer.  That was one of my "dealbreakers".  Everyone has those, right?  My dealbreakers, among other little things, were no bad jeans, no long distance (more on that "dealbreaker" later - it's actually a problem, too), no living at home, no bad teeth or feet (both ick me out, even if they are pretty), and NO snoring!  How did I fall for someone that has 2 of the 5?  Super duper. 

I'm a very light sleeper.  I'm such a light sleeper I can only sleep with some sort of "noise".  (yes, I have like 3 of them).  The Stinker has one, too.  I guess it's not a shocker I've been single for awhile, huh?  It helps!  Shut up. 

When Capt Ron (that's what we'll call my new boy) stays at my house I have the noise going full blast and sometimes a pillow over my head.  All I do is lay there becoming more and more exhausted while silently plotting his death.  (I kid, I kid - or do I?)  Rolling him over lasts for about 10 minutes and then he's right back at it. 

What's a girl to do?  I really care about him and can't let the first good thing to come along in years go away because I can't sleep... so what's the alternative?!?!   Breathe right strips, surgery, more drinking before bed?  I'm ready to do anything that will help me not be exhausted and not dread him sleeping in my bed. 


  1. Commander snores too! I had to learn quickly to pick my battles. But, I will tell you we tried BreathRight strips and they DO work! He also tried a tee- shirt with a tennis ball sewn inside the breast pocket and he wore the shirt backwards at night; it would force him not to lay on his back. It wasn't the easiest solution, but it did help. Good luck!

  2. OMG!! I love the tennis ball idea. I haven't heard that one, but it's genius! He seems to have gotten better, or I've gotten more tired... we'll see how it all pans out. :)
