Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I have a problem...

I can't.stop.buying.jeans. 

I don't even know if jeans are "cool" anymore.  Everytime we go out, all the "pop tarts" (that's what I call anyone under the age of 30) are wearing teeny tiny shorts or teeny tiny skirts/dresses.  This momma is not down with that. 

Anyway... I can't stop buying jeans.  OBSESSED.  The one thing that makes me feel not SO crazy is that the BFF is also obsessed with buying new jeans.  She's way worse than me.  Sorry bestie you be crazy, too! 

I already have these

 and these

I'm lusting after these (they are STRIAGHT!!  perfect to roll up and great for boots!!)

and drolling after these...  (they are lighter and fancy on the butt and could be worn with flip flops and a cute T!!)

I think I need a part time job. 

My name is Emily and I am addicted to buying jeans... HELP!


  1. I like these, I do! My problem is that jeans that have pockets that come down that far just do not fit my ass very well. I look like I have droopy ass. Shorter pockets for me.

    I am sure, however, that your ass looks asstastic!!

  2. OMG...this is so funny! And, I DO have a problem I know. Did you mention that you and I can talk about jeans for hours?

  3. Well my dear Muffy... they are from The Buckle!! I'm guessing you are familiar with that store being an Iowa girl yourself. :) They are Rock Revival and Miss Me (pictured). Sweet huh?
