Thursday, October 13, 2011


Yep.  I've been a total bloggy slacker lately. 

Here are some highlights of my life the last few weeks.

-work has been redonk lately.  We had Air Canada threaten to strike earlier in the week and now riots and transportation strikes in Athens.  Of course all these things happening around the world always have to involve one of our ships.  This weekend I'll be working a large amount of overtime.  Super.  Oh the joys of working for a luxury cruise line. 

-speaking of said cruise line.  I now have no "date" for this vacation.  Anyone interested in joining me?  Yeah.  Did I mention it is FREE (with free booze)!  You'd think it would be very easy to find a travel buddy, but surprisingly it's not.  GAH!

-The Stinker sliced the bottom of her foot open my deck the other night when she was chasing the pup around the deck.  It was a pretty deep cut.  When we called the X to tell him good night, she had to tell him about her new war wound.  She told him, "it was bad, Daddy.  I could see BRAIN"  I died.  Ded.   

-I'm pretty much single again.  I'm proud I stuck to my guns.  I love who I am these days and I love my life.  I know some day the right person will come along and make my life even better.  For the time being, I've honestly never been happier.

-The Stinker pulled her second tooth.  Yep.  She pulled it herself at after school daycare.  She must have known how much mommy despises the thought of touching teeth and saved me the grief.  She's a great kid.

Hope everyone is doing well!!  A REAL post to come soon.  I pinky swear!


  1. Uhhhh.... you don't have a date for a FREE cruise around Australia? Hello?

    Pick me! Pick me!

    You sound happy but busy. Enjoy your life and that little Stinker!

  2. HAHA! Heck yeah, you can come with me, T! I'm not even kidding. We'd have a blast! :)

  3. To hell with T, I'll go! LOL You know I can out drink T anytime my friend. ;)

    I'm glad you stuck to your guns too ... NEVER SETTLE.

    Much love,

