Friday, September 16, 2011

Old Fart

Yep.  I'm old.  I don't usually feel it and I know most of the time I don't look it, but this week has been tough!  I turned 38 on the 13th and I'm having a tough time with that number.  It's just too damn close to FORTY!  How did this happen?  40?!?! 

The girls and I went out to my favorite little hole in the wall Mexican restuarant.  I stuffed my face and had a few margaritas - it was a good night.  For an old lady. 

Since I'm officially old and now can't form complete thoughts, eat spicy food, or control my own bladder... here are some random things happening in my world.

- I LOVE FALL!  Yep, yelling at you.  All things fall make me a very happy girl.  I love wearing sweatshirts and jeans, I love having my house decorated with my "fall stuff", I love sleeping with the windows open and waking up to a freezing house, I love fall candle and lotion flavors, I love hitting the pumpkin patch with the Stinker, I love football... LOVE LOVE LOVE. 

- The Stinker lost her first tooth the second week of Kindergarten.  I hate teeth.  I made the X come over and yank that sucker out when it was ready because there was no way in hell I was going to do it.  *shudder*  Teeth and feet are disgusting and I should never have to touch either.  Ever. 

- I've decided to stop drinking beer.  This is noteworthy because I love beer.  No, really.  I heart it.  I've always been a beer girl.  As I've gotten older drinking any kind of beer makes me feel like complete shit.  I have stomach problems on a good day, and a frothy cold one magnifies that issue by about 1000%.  It also isn't good for the waistline and well, I'm almost 40....  I should start drinking something more "grown up", right?  I emailed this fact to the BFF and her response to my email was "WTF!?!?  What's wrong with you?"  Yeah.  She's a beer drinker, too. 

- I'm in desperate need of a vacation.  For reals.  I'm hoarding vacation days like a fat kid who loves donuts because of my impending 14 night Australia cruise in January.  It's killing me.  *le sigh*

Hope everyone has a great weekend.... The Stinker and I have big plans of doing nothing!  I'm sure there will be some drinking with friends (no beer) while the kids play.  Then after she's zonked out, mommy will lounge on the couch and cyber stalk people via facebook and twitter.  Good times had by all! 

Peace out, bitches!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't care if I am 80...I will still drink is is happiness:)
