Life has been... well... interesting around here.
Something I've been thinking about doing for over a year or so started to *almost* come to fruition. I don't want to jinx anything by opening my big mouth until I know what's going to happen... I'll come back with more deets, I promise!
I have started working out a lot more and my body hates me. Getting old fucking sucks. I had reconstructive surgery on my left ankle about 20 years ago (cheerleading injury - gay) and with all the new activity lately it's been sooo painful. I signed up for Jazzercise, which I LOVE - must be the old cheerleader in me, ha. During class my stupid ankle keeps giving out on me which is a Jazzercise FAIL because then I fall down. Yep. Hey! Look at the new fat girl in the back sweating her ass off... well, she fell down so the skinny bitch leading the class can use her microphone thingy to ask if I'm ok which makes EVERYONE in the class turn and look at me. Awesomesauce.
My friends kinda suck lately. I don't even have the energy to go into much detail because I realize I'll sound pathetic and stupid. Basically my two very best friends have made a new friend who is apparently way cooler than me, so I've been getting the shaft. Sucks.
The X and I are taking The Stinker to Disneyworld in December. It's going to be a surprise and we haven't decided yet weather to wake her up the morning of and SURPRISE her or maybe tell her the weekend before. Either way she's going to shit her pants she'll be so excited. We are going to have a great time!
Um...whyyyyy are your friends neglecting you? That's a major no-no. I'm sorry your ankle keeps giving out on you. That sounds really painful...yikes! Keep it up though - you'll end up addicted. :)