Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I'm ALIVE!!!

I'm alive... I'm alive!! 

How is everyone!?!?  Still there?  Hope so!! 

I can't believe how long I've been out of commission... Not only have I not been updating this here lovely little bloggy but I haven't been able to read all our your blogs, either!  True sadness.  That is all going to change this week!

I've fallen off the face of the earth for quite a few reasons. 

Towards the end of 2011 (November to be exact) I got a huge promotion at work.  I went from the girl that loved her job, never took it home at night, didn't have access to email after business hours... to a department manager with HUGE responsibilities and much more to do.  My days of leisurely spending hours at a time reading blogs, jacking around on Facebook and Twitter while doing some internet hopping are unfortunately over.  I love my new position and feel very fortunate to have been offered this role.  Life is pretty damn good on the work front.

After the holidays I took a vacation with the munchkin which has also taken up a lot of my brain power.  We went on a 7 night Disney Cruise from LA and it was fantastic.  Every single moment was amazing and I loved having a whole entire week in the sun and sand with my little best friend. 

My family life has also taken a hit in the last few months as well.  I wanted to post more about this with some some links and information, but the situation involves my little sister.  While I love my little sister dearly I don't want her to know about this blog and she's savvy enough to figure things out if I start "linking things up".  Short version of the story - she had her 3rd baby on 11/26 who was born in full renal (kidney) failure.  He spent the first month and a half of his life in the hospital.  He's been home a few weeks until today when he's back to Iowa City to start dialysis.  He's just over 2 months old and will now be on dialysis until he can have a kidney transplant once he's approx 22lbs.  I could use any prayers you feel like throwing up to the big guy.  The dialysis starting this week will take a toll on his little body and the mortality rate for an infant on dialysis is... well, it's not good.

I have some boy stories as well, but we'll save those for another day... Gotta make sure you come back! 

1 comment:

  1. WOW! A lot going on! Glad to see you're back. Congrats on the job and fun vacation! Will keep your nephew in our prayers.
