I was stunned and saddned to hear about the tragedy yesterday in Boston. My constant thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved. This has to stop.
The Stinker is getting older and as a mother, it's becoming a part of my life to sit down and talk about these terrible things that happen around us.
We were at Disneyworld this past December when the Sandy Hook elementary shooting happened. I honestly think being at Disney submerged in the "happiest place on Earth" bubble during that horrific week was for the best. The Stinker is 6 years old and in first grade. She is at exactly the same point in her little life as the children that lost their lives that day. I was able to hug her that entire week and appreciate the amazing little person I have by my side. We were able to talk about what happened and how awful it was for those children and their families, but we also talked about all the people that came to their aid and how when we hurt, sometimes the best thing to do is help others.
Now we have yet another tragic event to discuss. This morning I had the news on for a very brief time and she happened to catch a snippet where they mentioned the 8 year old boy who was killed waiting for his dad to cross the finish line.
I'd really like to stop having these discussions with my 6 year old - but sadly in this world we are living in - it's a part of being a mom. We talked again about the people running towards the bomb site yesterday and how the "helpers" are the real heroes in this awful time.
My prayers and thoughts are with everyone affected in Boston yesterday.