Monday, July 25, 2011


What a great weekend away that was...  It made me realize I'm thankful for so many things.  Here are a few. 

- My daughter.  She may make me crazy and be the sassiest 5 year old around, but I wouldn't trade her for the world.  The times we have together, make me appreciate her and the vice grip she has on my heart.  She saved me in so many ways these last few years.  I love her so much.   

- Girlfriends.  They are my true north.  They are the air I need to breathe.  They are my saving grace at times. 

- I'm thankful for being a mommy that hasn't had to change who I am.  I'm still the same fun, crazy girl that has been around for almost 38 years, I just happen to also be a mommy now.  I can still drink beer, laugh my ass off and be crazy stupid with my girlfriends.  I haven't let motherhood "define" who I am, and that truly is something I'm thankful for. 

- My home.  We drove through some of the worst flooding I've ever seen and it humbled me.  I can't imagine what all those people are going through and how they are dealing with losing their homes/farms because of the massive flooding we've had this summer... it was heart wrenching to see.

- My iPad.  One 5 year old plus 3 1/2 hour car ride.  Nuff said. 

Happy Monday!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Weekend away....

This weekend, the besties and I are getting the hell out of Dodge!  Ok, I don't really live in a town called Dodge, but you know what I mean.  I hope.  Or you're dumb. 

We are going to brave the detours due to all the terrible flooding of the Mighty Mo and head to Kansas City with our kidlets.  We'll be piling my friend's van full of booster seats (4 mommies, 4 kids - 2 boys, 2 girls), we'll throw some snacks at the kids, set them up with some movies, crank up the tunes for the mommies and enjoy a long weekend with friends!

We plan to visit the American Girl store, where I'm sure the Stinker will lose her shit she'll be so damn excited!  Then we are going to have some grub at the TRex restaurant to make the two boys happy and then after some more outlet shopping for us moms, we plan to set the kiddos up in the adjoining hotel room, let them do their thang and we will get our drink on!  We'll be next door... geesh.  And drunk.  Maybe. 

Should be a fun weekend!!!  I'm ready for a weekend away with some of my favorite people! 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Google +

I finally wrangled myself an invite for this Google+ site, and while I haven't figured out how it works, the concept is super!  

My one huge beef with Facebook is that I have 300 friends while I really care about what about 30 of them are doing or saying.  I also really only want about 30 of them to see what I'm doing at any given time.

Most of them are High School people that I felt like I couldn't say NO to when they requested me as a friend, but I could really give a shit what their kid ate for breakfast or where their funny looking husband took them for an anniversary dinner. 

Google+ seems to have alleviated that negative part of Facebook, as you create circles to put your friends into.  You can share your info, post, photos with whichever circle you want...

Well done Google... well done.  Now lets see if I can get a few more friends than the 4 I currently have on there.

Sometimes wishes do come true...

I have been single - ish since the summer of 2008 when the X and I separated.  It's been an interesting almost three years full of some good dates, one or two real relationships, terrible dates, horrendous dates and humorous dates.  All in all - I wouldn't change a thing!  Those douchebags guys made me who I am today.

Since last winter (about 8 months ago) I've been stone cold single and I've loved every second.  I've been able to spend so.much.time with The Stinker and my friends.  I have been able to concentrate on ME.  I learned who I really am and where I really want to be. 

I realized that while yes, I'm that girl who really does believe in fairytales and happily ever after.... I don't want to be with just anyone!  There need to be some sparks, some va va voom, some grown up communication!!  If I can't find that, then I'm perfectly happy being me.  A single me.   

I was on eHarmony this winter and got matched with someone that happened to be in Afghanistan.  He is from here, was going through a divorce and I'm sure he was super lonely half a world away.  He was looking to truly get to know someone and have a "pen pal ship" from across the ocean.  He was adorable, funny and it was fun to get an email once or twice a day from a handsome soldier. 

Well, fast forward to July and I'm head over heels in love.  Yep.  Love sucker punched me right in the gut with this one.  Crazy thing is, I think he feels the same way.  He comes home to Nebraska in about 5 days and I will find out weather this will finally be happily ever after for me....

To be continued.....